FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dave Anderson Flying Monkey Software 8424 Todd Creek Cr. West Chester, OH 45069 513-865-6800 x6087 Day 513-779-6489 Evening FLYING MONKEY SOFTWARE ANNOUNCES COLOR MATCHING APPLICATION AND OBJECTS FOR NEXTSTEP. WEST CHESTER, Ohio, June 14, 1994 -- Flying Monkey Software announced the availability of the ColorMatch application and color matching and related objects, FmsColorMatcher, FmsColorList, and FmsColorListSet, for the NEXTSTEP community. Graphic artists may now find chromatic closest matches in their work, while developers may enhance their application with matching and color list grouping. ColorMatch With ColorMatch, you may select any number of color lists or groups of color lists and match a color against them. Simply bring the color lists into the application, and drag in colors. Closest chromatic matches are located in the color lists and placed into a color well for dragging from. Both rectilinear (RGBA) and cylindrical (HSBA) color models are supported. Color sensitivity controls are provided to allow fine-tuning matching criteria. Collections of color lists may be saved as color list sets to leverage production-level needs. A complete user's guide is included. FmsColorMatcher : Object The core of ColorMatch is the FmsColorMatcher. It allows programmatic access to matching, color model, and sensitivity setings. Given a color and a list of color lists, it will locate the closest matching color and allow subsequent access to the color list and color name of the matching color. Rectilinear (RGBA) and cylindrical (HSBA) color models are supported. FmsColorList : NXColorList : Object Enhances the NXColorList object by preserving and revealing the path the colorlist was loaded with. FmsColorListSet : Object Stores a group of FmsColorLists to a file for later access. Useful when repeated access to collections of specific color lists are required. An icon representing a color list set is provided. All objects come with NeXT-style documentation. Application: ColorMatch (finds the closest match from color lists) $15.00 Objects: objects source (h-files and (h-files and libraries) m-files) FmsColorMatcher $7.00 $20.00 FmsColorList & FmsColorListSet (includes color list set icon) $3.50 $10.00 Free electronic upgrades. Media and shipping cost for diskette upgrades. No royalties are due if you use the objects in your product and sell it to other folks, but you're not permitted to resell the objects as products (or part of a product) themselves. If you'd like to be a reseller, contact Flying Monkey Software directly. Flying Monkey Software provides object, application and graphic design services to the NEXTSTEP community. Individually, the monkeys have been flying software for more than twenty years, and are having a great time. Our credo is satisfaction guaranteed: all Flying Monkey products will work - or we'll fix them for free. We'll also extend them for requesting customers on a contractual basis. Software makes a monkey's day! NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT, Inc. NeXT-style documentation refers to the elegant format NeXT and its third party developers use to document their classes. ColorMatcher is a NEXTSTEP application from Flying Monkey Software. FmsColorMatcher, FmsColorList, and FmsColorListSet are NEXTSTEP-compatible objects from Flying Monkey Software. Happy trails.